Sunday, January 9, 2011

sunday morning, rain is falling....

......well, that sentence is half true. that song is stuck in my head!

this morning i had a revelation. hope & i decided to try out a new church this morning and we had access to a car (thank you sammi!) so we decided to go to mars hill in ballard. that experience i will explain further later - moving on.....we had gone to sleep around 2am and decided to go to the 9am service as opposed to the 11:15am one to have more time in the day. that being said, we woke up around 8 to make it there in time.  so we're talking less than six hours of sleep. as i dragged myself out of bed, literally, i had an extremely selfish thought. i thought "wow, the things i do for Jesus!" how terrible of me. that should have been the other way around - "the things JESUS does for ME." how many times have i complained about the smallest things, and gotten mad because things weren't exactly how i wanted them?? unfortunately, wayyy too many times to count. Jesus is ALWAYS good and wonderful to me, and so often i am too blind or selfish to notice and appreciate them. 

something i heard recently that really clicked : "Don't count the times you've been hurt and people left. Think about the times you've hurt God and he never left you."

i constantly rely on humans and get frustrated if they let me down. but that is nature. people are going to fail you. God never will. i think i look to humans so much because i know i can get a straightforward answer. it's not quite the same with God. you have to stop and listen to what He is saying and doing in your life. it definitely is not going to be the easy route; but life isn't easy either.

i've been wanting to go to mars hill basically since i've been at spu and this morning i finally got my chance. there are about 6 locations in the seattle area, but i wanted to go to the one where mark driscoll was actually preaching at. it happened to be ballard. when he came onto the platform, i kind of felt like i was seeing a celebrity because i've seen several of his videos in high school youth group. it was kind of strange, but still awesome. there were a ton of people there for being 9am, but i understood because, after all, it's mark driscoll. anyhow. his sermon was the parable in luke of jesus healing the demonized woman. i definitely learned a few new things, and he confirmed a few things also. one thing i know for sure: there is a difference, a BIG difference between being religious and having a relationship with God. to be religious is to commit yourself to a cause; not Christ. don't get me wrong; it isn't bad to support causes that are important to you; but it isn't Jesus. it should not come before Jesus, or instead of.
i really enjoyed mars hill, and i definitely want to go again sometime. it's a little hard to get there without a car, but maybe i can make some upperclassmen friends ;) 
i've got some homework calling my name, so i should probably get on that.

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