Monday, January 31, 2011

monday monday....

monday. the worst day of the week. 
here is the dictionary's definition of monday:

Monday |ˈməndā|
the day of the week before Tuesday and following Sunday

here's my definition:
the weekend is over, teachers love to give you tests on this day, ruining the two days you have off before this day, ie. your WEEKEND. most often, said tests ruin the rest of your week until it starts over next monday.

if you didn't guess already, i am not a fan of mondays. i don't think i ever will be. i had a midterm in UCOR today (two essays + 10 short answer questions + one hour & 20 minutes = DEATH) and a spanish test (which i'm pretty sure i BOMBED. awesome....)
one positive: today is the last day of january, FINALLY. i hate january more than i hate mondays. finally it will be february. which brings my favorite holiday.....not. good thing valentine's day (i.e. S.A.D.....single awareness day) is on a monday this year. two things i don't like, put together! perfect. the upside to this is that nobody does anything fun on mondays. that way, i won't have to worry about the date that i'm not going to have on friday/saturday night with the cute boy that does not exist. also, i would like to extend a thank you to group-on/shutterfly/every store that has a sale emails for reminding me, once again, that i have no significant other and am FOREVER ALONE!
i know, i sound so bitter. but this is a monday, so it's okay to rant, right?? well i'm on the subject, pandora, please allow me more skips on your stations. when i chose 'the beatles' as a station, i DID NOT want pearl jam or the rolling stones. come on! SERIOUSLY.
this week is not off to the best start, but i am praying for a turn around. lord willing. i base too much of my self esteem on school. it's something i've always done, because i've always been pretty good at school. it definitely was not athletics (coordination = non-existent) and i never really got into a hobby/extra curricular activity. i'm not saying school is my life, because i've never been a 4.0 student. and this is college, i realize that. it's just frustrating when i get my tests/papers back and get half the grade i was expecting. but that's life right? what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? something like that. i'm working on it....
here's to the rest of my monday !
with love (and frustration), C


  1. Sounds like someone needs a hug! Well, it will have to be an electronic one today. As grandpa Birky used to say, a girl can always have a boyfriend...if she sets her sites low enough! Hope you have a good week...remember only thing a person can control is their attitude!

  2. At spu...that little gem from grandpa would literally mean looking as all the known short boys gather there. Keep your chin up and see if Ty will let me go out and rustle up some eligible 18-20 year olds of decent height!!!

  3. i digital hug will have to do for now! & grandpa definitely had a's a good thing i have standards! thanks :)
    hahaha true. they also look like they're 12 in addition to their lack of height.....i would so appreciate your search :) let me know what you can find hahaha
