Wednesday, January 19, 2011


whilst spacing out during my fashion history class, i got to thinking about nicknames, and decided i should write a post about it.....
nicknames. defined in the dictionary as :
nickname |ˈnikˌnām|
a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name.

i don't go by my middle name. i don't have a ton of dad calls me 'channy' my siblings and mom call me 'chan' so does my friend katie :) other than her, my friends don't really call me anything other than my name. my grandma wanted to call me 'cc' because those are my first two initials and she thought it would be cute. some people call me 'birky' which was what my sister was called often before she got married. there was also that period in middle school of 'channyface'. my brother also used to call me 'chan the man' and 'shipping & chandlering'. thanks bro....i've never had a nickname that  has to do with a funny (or embarrassing) experience thankfully (except there was 'gumby' from my best friend carly freshman year of high school when i sat on gum)....i feel like those are awkward to explain. 

it's weird to think what my name would have been if it weren't chandler. i was going to be chandler whether i was a boy or a girl because my parents didn't find out my gender until i was born. if i was a boy, my name would have been Chandler Christian, instead of Chandler Christine. my parents (or maybe it was just my mom) liked the name Bailey, which i really like. it would have gone nicely with my last name. Bailey Birky. but i think that got nixed pretty quickly when they realized my siblings' names were chelsea and chase. not only am i 9 & 6 years younger, but i would've had a name completely different from them. thank you for not leaving me out on that one ;) next up, we have Chynna. that's right. as in Chynna Doll, the wrestler. thank god my parents decided no on that one. i am proud to say that i am the only chandler - boy or girl - that goes to spu. and yes, i looked it up. 
so here i am, chandler. chan. channy. birky. whatever you want to call me.
and i wouldn't change it!


  1. I liked this post!
    Two things:
    1. Thank your lucky stars that I was able to speak intelligently when you were in utero otherwise for SURE your name would have been China (and p.s. that's really how mom was going to spell it.)
    2. "birky" or "birks doesn't go away when you get married;)

  2. hahahaha i am forever indebted to you!!!
    are you serious?! china?? mom always told me it was chynna!

    hahaha good to know....thanks for the advice ;)
