Tuesday, March 1, 2011

random tuesday night thoughts...

...following (er, stealing) my sister's blog idea, there have been a few things that i need to get out of my system. plus, i don't want to do homework.
*elevators. they are so awkward. tonight, i went up to the 5th floor to workout. right outside the end of my hall, is the elevator. there were a guy and a girl talking, and another guy standing off to the side. as we waited for the elevator to come down from wherever it was, i felt like a 7th grade boy at a dance. i was wearing workout attire. it was even more awkward once we got into the elevator. you're stuck in a 3x4 ft box. and you can't escape. do you make small talk for the few moments you are in the elevator to someone you might never see again? do you do nothing to stop the awkwardness? maybe it's just me. i don't know. once the doors opened to my destination, i booked it out of there. yipes.
*work out attire. once i arrived at said destination, the girl next to me on the ellipticals was wearing flip-flops. dangerous? maybe. i couldn't help stare at her feet. in addition to the potentially dangerous footwear, she slowed down/stopped literally every 30 seconds to underline something in her text book. and she was texting. sounds like a recipe for disaster. but hey, what's college without multi-tasking, right?? and i'm one to talk.....i tripped up the stairs the other day while i was texting. embarrassing.

*jaden/willow smith. okay, we all know i love will smith (fresh prince of bel air, all his movies, i even own 'will smith: the greatest hits') i basically think he is great. and any spawn of his is guaranteed to be talented. skill is one of the genes that they are born with. for instance, willow smith's song "whip my hair" does not sound like your average 10 year old. try twice that. do you want to know my biggest accomplishment when i was 10? not getting in trouble for talking in class.
moving on to the older child, jaden....he was in the pursuit of happiness and the karate kid, so we know he can act. but he can also sing....er rap? can 12 year olds rap? i don't know. he totally outshines justin bieber in his own song, "never say never". the best part of his "rap" :
“No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will”
genius. okay, so he probably didn’t write it; but nonetheless....it just makes him that much more likeable.
ps. i may or may not have felt like a pedofile watching the music video three times in a row....
*cadbury eggs. we all know easter is just around the corner...(okay, not really, but retail makes us believe that). i love these delightful little treats. a milk chocolate egg with caramel/nougat-y filling? it doesn’t get better than that. i’m getting hungry just talking about them...TIS THE SEASON.

that's what's floating around in my head as of now. stay tuned for other random, useless, pieces of information ;)

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