Thursday, March 3, 2011


atonement |əˈtōnmənt|nounreparation for a wrong or injury she wanted to make atonement for her husband's behavior.• Religion reparation or expiation for sin the High Priest offered the sacrifice as atonement for all the sins of Israel.• ( the Atonement) Christian Theology the reconciliation of God and humankind through Jesus Christ.

for this quarter, in my UCOR class, we had to read Atonement by Ian McEwan. this was a daunting task; my challenge was to all of it (350 pages) in less than two weeks. which, if you know how slow of a reader i am, is nearly IMPOSSIBLE. unlike our other novel for this class, My Name Is Asher Lev, i actually read all of this book. at parts, atonement was hard to put down! the writing is phenomenal, but requires your full attention.  i can't wait to finally watch the movie! anyhow, i finished the book 20 minutes ago and am still trying to figure out what happened. it's kind of like the movie Inception (which i STILL haven't seen, oops) where there is a dream within a dream, this is a book within a book.
it has the aspects that every good book has : relatable characters, a love story, and it was a period piece. the end of the book is up to the reader's interpretation, which i don't always like. i want to be told it happened like this. A+B=C. that's not the case here.
i won't spoil it for those who haven't read it, but basically, a young girl claims she saw something terrible happening; when in fact, it was the complete opposite. she ends up ruining several people's lives, and her family is torn apart. it is told from different third person views throughout the book until the very end. there are three parts to this book that occur in 1935 and 1940, and a section at the end from 1999. everything you've read up to the 1999 part changes once you finish the book. i think. 
hopefully the movie will help me fully grasp what happened in the book....but who knows.
if you've read this book, i'd love to hear your thoughts/interpretations :)
if you haven't, i suggest it! it's such a good read, and that's coming from someone who doesn't read a lot. or ever.

ps : it's almost the weekend ;)

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