Wednesday, March 9, 2011

countdown [8 days]

it's currently 10:50 pm on a wednesday night. 
here are some thoughts floating through my mind at the moment:
* the realization that there is only 8 DAYS left until spring break. wow. that is crazy. within these 8 days i have to: write a 5 page essay, memorize a spanish dialogue, and study for three finals. yikes. but i can do it.

* the beginning of lent. today was ash wednesday, and as a floor we are fasting every wednesday from 7am-7pm until easter. it's hard; but i've done the 30 hour famine for 3 years so i know i can do 12 hours. two of which i am still asleep. we also went to the ash wednesday service at FFMC across the street. i really enjoyed it; i've never been to anything like that. it was like a traditional service in the sense that we sang, prayed, and heard a short message. the part that was most different was the ash part. towards the end, we went up to the front to receive our ash marking, either on our forehead or on the back of our hand. i got mine on the back of my hand, which unfortunately came off as soon as i put my jacket on. oh well. maybe next year, i'll try my forehead....
as far as lent goes; i'm not giving anything up completely; rather i am making reasonable adjustments that i can hopefully keep up with after the lent season. besides fasting every wednesday, i'm only going on facebook on the weekends, and on wednesdays. i'm also limiting myself sweets to every other day. i realize this sounds pathetic, but i've got to start somewhere right? my cousin lauren wrote on her blog that lent shouldn't be about a challenge, but rather spiritual discipline. as corny and cliched as it sounds, it's about the journey, not the destination. it's about leaning on God instead of chocolate or facebook. 

* the rain. it rained a good majority of the day today, and is supposed to rain the rest of the week. as much as i hate it when i'm outside, i love the rain. something about falling asleep to rain on the roof is so comforting and something i love about living in the northwest. i really feel like this is seattle at its best. plus, all of my california friends like it too.

mmmm that's all for now; a shower is calling my name. and sleep ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi. My name's Anna, I'm a stylist and visual merchandiser in Los Angeles. I just moved to California after graduating back in south with a degree in visual merchandiser. I've worked with such designers as Max Azria, Nicole Richie, and my idol Rachel Zoe. You should check out my new site for multiple posts a day on all things celebrity fashion. Please follow. If you like the site, status it to your friends. I'd love the support.
    Thanks love. xoxo.
