Monday, March 21, 2011

NUTS for nutella

i am the first person to admit that i am OBSESSED with nutella. i will eat it out of the jar, i will eat it on bread, i will eat it with apples, i will basically eat it on ANYTHING. and when stumbleupon showed me this nutella cupcake recipe i almost died. any nutella lover will love this, even my dad liked them and he normally doesn't like nutella. these were relatively easy, and although it doesn't tell you how many it makes, i made 12 and it worked pretty well. also, i would use 1 tsp. of nutella instead of 1/2 tsp.
make these and you will make friends. 
right after i took them out of the oven --- to DIE for

clearly, i was enamored and captivated.....
the inside...
with my creation!

here is the recipe:



  1. Haha you are so funny Birky! I have never had Nutella but those look delicious!! Let's bake togetherrrrrr

  2. you've never had it?!!! oh jourdan you don't know what you're missing!!!
    but i agree....a baking party is much needed :)
