Sunday, March 6, 2011

lights, camera, .....cake.

last night, a few of us went to emerson film festival on campus. emerson is the newest (and by new, i mean 2001) dorm at SPU and features suite-style rooms with shared bathrooms. not to mention the card-swipe-only entrance. basically everyone who lives in emerson is proud to live in emerson, and everyone who doesn't thinks they're snobby rich kids, because it's more expensive to live there. which can be true, depending on who it is.

here's a shot from the emerson film festival last night:
so carpet and all ;)
please excuse the cell-phone blurriness of this picture....
afterwards, we met up with my friend taylor and her twin bre who was visiting her from wwu, and bre's roommate. they were going to the cheesecake factory and asked if we wanted to come. you don't even need to ask me twice! i love the cheesecake factory even though i don't like cheesecake. weird, right? their cakes are sooooooooooo good and so is their food. hope & i shared an appetizer of nachos which was enormous, and a large piece of chocolate fudge cake, which my mother would definitely approve of ;) it was our third choice because they were out of the first one and the second one came WITH almonds. no thank you. so glad i have a friend who appreciates my dislike of cheesecake and almonds!
after that, we watched SNL because miley cyrus was the host. since they regularly make fun of her in a skit called "the miley cyrus show" i wanted to see what they were going to do with it. i find her so incredibly annoying; partly because of her train-wreck-esque style, and partly because she is just so gosh darn annoying. she ruined most of the skits she was in, except for a select few that were saved mostly by kenan thompson, kristen wiig, and my favorite, andy samberg.
the party doesn't end there. we watched 'the stepfather' after. a word of advice: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE AT 2AM. it was super creepy. it was set in portland, oregon, which shouldn't be surprising because it proves my theory that ALL SERIAL KILLERS LIVE IN THE NORTHWEST. i'm serious. ted bundy? green river killer? anyone???
i'm running on very little sleep but somehow am getting loads of things accomplished. homework, cleaning, organizing, and lots of eating! but what else is new...
these next two weeks are going to be crazy busy with finals and all and i am praying for the strength and perseverance to get everything accomplished!
have a wonderful evening :)

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