Tuesday, May 24, 2011

it's tuesday and i'm up before 11am...

sometimes, it's the little things....

i'm such a stereotypical college student.
but hey, it's my day off, so i should able to sleep in, right?? even if my "sleeping-in" goes until noon sometimes....
the only reason i'm up before 11 is because i had an advising appointment at 10. it was my own fault i scheduled it for then. i'm still trying to figure out why.
it's funny how even when i woke up at 9:20, i felt like i had way more time in the day....which is true. i don't feel as rushed. maybe because i don't have as much to do as last week. (update: i survived last week. that's more than i could have asked for....as for that science test....don't ask.)

as for the rest of my day, i have to read Matthew for my UFDN class, work on my resume for Major/Career Exploration, and housing sign ups are later.
here are a few thoughts about said tasks:

-it's weird reading a book of the Bible for a class. ok, weird isn't the right word.....different. that's better. since i've gone to public school my whole life, i've never had to bring my Bible to class. much less do a worksheet for it. but strangely i like it - dare i say, better than Bible study - because i feel like i get more out of it. sometimes (alright, most times) i zone out during Bible study....but i can't zone out with this, because i have to look for and answer questions. it really makes me think hard. wow. i'm sorry that sounded really un-intelligent. maybe i shouldn't blog before noon.....

-it's kind of hard to write a resume when you haven't had any job experience. but that's ok....i have lots of volunteer experience to put on there. that's kind of the same, right?? hahaha. if you have any tips/tricks for resumes, please shoot them my way :)

-housing sign ups are finally here! yikes. we're shooting for 3rd Hill. a girl on my floor currently, emily, is living on 3rd with a girl who already lives on 3rd, so at least i'll know somebody familiar :) i am kind of nervous....i don't really know what to expect. it goes by your "seniority points" which are how many credits you have + number of quarters you've lived on campus. i have 9. your seniority points are combined with your roommate's and you're called up according to your combined total to choose your room. once it's gone, it's gone. so basically, the more points you have, the better chance you have of getting the floor/room you want.

also of note -- the glee season 2 finale is on tonight. unfortunately, i have housing sign-ups at 8:45 so i will miss the end :( but that's what hulu is for, right?? i don't want to wait until september for it to come back on. i am obsessed. i guess i'll just have to catch up on Mad Men before it comes back on!! what else.....american idol. although i've probably only watched a total of 3 episodes the whole season, i want lauren alaina to win. mostly because i hate scotty McCreery (McCreepy). it's so weird to think i'm older than both of the finalists. i think they're what, 16 and 17? wow. i'll be 19 in less than 2 months. insanity.

i'm signing off.
i'm going to be productive.....


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