Sunday, October 30, 2011


i'm going to make this short and sweet because i have an INSANE amount of studying to do for my midterm tomorrow. yesterday, tay and i went to bellingham at the last minute. carly invited us to hang out with her and our other plans crashed and burned so we made the quick hour and 15 minute trip up there. we didn't even have costumes. luckily and graciously carly had a few tricks up her sleeve (as usual) so we ended up just fine. i was a monarch butterfly, carly was maria from "guess who" (see mom, i wasn't the only one obsessed with that game!!) and taylor was pop singer ke$ha, who she had no idea about. everytime we'd say, "taylor, this is SO kesha." to which she would say: "i'll trust that it is because i have no idea." hahaha. i'd say we did pretty well with the time we had. we dropped by a dance (one word: THRILLER) and saw a bunch of people from high school at our friend tim & dixon's house. it was basically BHHS: 2.0 - the next generation. the most random people were there. then we went to taylor's sister's apartment....where we stayed up until 5am - which i do not advise. it was so great being reunited with good friends who know me inside and out. 

 the work of art in progress.
 KE$HA completed.
 love her.
 the back! outrageous.
 we know how to have a good time.
 the full ensemble.
 frolicking with my BFF.
 my monarch wings!
 gettin our groove on.
 no words.
 bet you can't "guess who" she is....
 i decided i'm the triplet. the gluttonous triplet.

best friends.

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