Thursday, February 17, 2011


today, i registered for spring quarter classes.
my assigned time was at 1pm today (the last day; boo freshman status :( ) but thankfully, i got into the classes i wanted/needed without trouble. with my incoming credits, i got a much earlier time than most of my friends (one of them is at 8pm awful is that?!) so that i am thankful for.
since i haven't decided on my major yet (i'll get there soon, i promise) i'm just getting my general ed out of the way. something exciting to note; as of spring quarter i will have sophomore status. technically i can call myself a sophomore. how cool is that?? i'm really glad i did part time running start last year in high school.

without further ado; here is my spring schedule.
UFDN 1000: Christian Formation
GS 2001: Major and Career Exploration
CHM 1110: Intro to the Nature of Science

UFDN stands for University Foundations which is part of the required tri-fecta of classes freshmen are required to take (USEM, UCOR, UFDN). they all differ from professor to professor, but they all have at least one required text that is universal.
GS 2001 stands for general studies; it's only a 2 credit class that meets for 2 hours once a week. my friend taylor is taking it right now and she really likes it. from what she tells me, it sounds interesting and will hopefully help me decide what i want to do with the rest of my life. hopefully. haha
CHM 1110 stands for chemistry. i know what you're thinking. i am TERRIBLE at chemistry. absolutely awful. terrible at science in general. i SQUEAKED by in high school chemistry with a B-. the lowest B- possible. needless to say, i LOATHE science, but i have to have 5 credits of a physical science and 5 credits of a biological science for my general ed. this class counts for the physical science part, and i've heard it's one of the easiest science classes on campus (i'm sure it is for some people....but i will most likely struggle through it) it's mostly about broad science issues/topics with an emphasis in chemistry. the same class was offered winter quarter, but with an emphasis on physics. my roommate and neighbor are in it right now and said it's not too difficult, but they have a different professor so we'll see.

with my somewhat lighter schedule next quarter (at least compared to this one) i'll have more time to think/plan about studying abroad. my tentative plan is to go the spring quarter of my sophomore year. depending on my major/program i choose, it might end up being a semester, or 6 weeks. 
i've been wanting to go to europe for FOREVER and while i would like to visit every country, my top three are: england, italy, and greece
once again, this could change; who knows. i just know i want to go. so so bad.

my homework is calling my name (it has been for a few hours, i've just been ignoring it) but i'm gonna do it for real now.
hopefully. haha.
love love.

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