Thursday, February 3, 2011

molly moon's

this afternoon, my SMC (student ministry coordinator) danielle and i went on adventure to molly moon's ice cream. we were originally gonna go to menchie's, but i figured i'd probably be there tomorrow anyway. (no ice cream is too much ice cream for this girl....) she has a car (a rare commodity in the life of a college freshman), so we drove to the wallingford district and went to molly moon's. i've been wanting to try this place for forever it seems like, but it's a little challenging to get there w/o a car. the flavors are....unique. there were the classics, like vanilla and chocolate, but also there was: maple, scout mint, salted carmel, vivace coffee, balsalmic strawberry, etc. i got a half scoop of vanilla bean and a half scoop of scout mint. SO SO tasty. the scout mint i'm assuming was in reference to girl scout cookies....another one of my favorites. danielle got a half scoop of vanilla bean and a half scoop of lemon.
there's only two locations in seattle (word on the street is there's another on the way??) - making it really unique and original to the city. i definitely can't wait to go back and try more flavors :)

if you wanna read more, go here:
have a wonderful afternoon. go get some ice cream :)

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