Sunday, September 4, 2011

life update.

this ain't no weekend update, this is a LIFE update.....for my 4 loyal blog readers, but mostly for lindsey, since she asked me specifically ;) you are my motivation for this post haha.

i've been lazy..........really really lazy. for about the last week, i've been sleeping like 9-11 hours a night. i honestly think there is something wrong with me. i'll wake up at a somewhat normal time, and then fall asleep for a couple more hours. then i do it over again. and i'm sure you people who work 8-5 and/or parents are groaning, but i'm relishing in the last few weeks before the school madness begins. so deal with it.

let's see, let's see.....where/what have i been up to these last couple of weeks? gettin some sun! ha, but tan is coming along nicely....even if i have to burn first.
i went to san diego to see my brosef, which was super fun. we went to the beach, we went shopping, we went to the horse races in del mar (surprise appearance by the wayans brothers) and dined like champs. pictures are to come.

i also have spent some time with good friends. i love summer for so many reasons; one of them being able to see people i don't always normally get to see. i saw my dear friend jourdan who i hadn't seen since winter break. the office and a few bottles of hair-dye were involved. i also saw ms. lindsey in lynden! canadia was good to us. i love lindsey's heart. she is such a generous and caring person and i am so happy she's in my life. i am so lucky to have such wonderful friends! all over the place.

i've been in a pretty good mood lately (due to all the sleep?)....i haven't laughed this loud at "keeping up with the kardashians" in a long time. those are some kooks. dramatic? yes. entertaining? always.

so...what's next?? on friday, i leave for michigan. i come back the following wednesday, get all my last minute errands done before school, then move in on the 24th. 

in just 20 short days i will be in the city i love, with the people i love, not that i don't now. but i'm scratching at the bit (is that the phrase? or is it chomping?) to get back to spu.

yours in summerland, C

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this post, i've actually been dying to hear about your life and see how you're doing. enjoy the rest of summer my twin!!!
