Friday, December 10, 2010

insert title here.

[i apologize for the time on this post - i didnt have internet access. but nevertheless....]

hello dear blog readers.....i apologize for the delay in updating you on my life! i know you just can’t live without reading my posts, right?? ;) haha anyways.....currently i am at 10 thousand-something feet in the air on my way to chicago....more specifically, to kalamazoo, michigan for my cousin lauren’s wedding. i’ve got, oh, about 4 hours to kill, and no homework to procrastinate, so this might be long. or not....

speaking of no homework to procrastinate, i am completely finished with my first quarter of college.....and it feels GREAT. the last week and a half or so was crazy hectic, filled with studying, papers, and tons of activities. it’s nice to be home and just relax, not worrying about anything. i’ve never had a winter break where i don’t have homework. it’s a little strange, but i’m not complaining. i’m one of the lucky ones who gets basically a month off of school. i love quarters!

hmmm what else.....let me give you a run-down of my day (thus far)

4:20 am : the un-godly time i woke up >:(

4:45 am : leave for airport

7:25 am : plane departs for chicago

1:30 pm (illinois time, 11:30am washington time) : ETA; drive to kalamazoo (2.5 hours), check into hotel, change

7 pm (michigan time): go to rehearsal dinner @ my aunt & uncle’s house

11 pm (hopefully) : SLEEEP.

& tomorrow is the wedding! i can’t wait :)

i’m staying in a hotel suite with my mother, aunt lindsey, and my 85 year old grandmother. score for being the only one under 50 hahahaha. as much as i love my family, i sometimes (ok, a lot of times) wish i was closer in age to some of my relatives. any of them. i try to not complain, because clearly there is nothing i can do about it, but i still find myself frustrated with being the youngest. to put it bluntly, my family is old. there’s never anyone my age to hang out with, and sometimes i just feel awkward because i’m SO far apart in age from everyone. i keep telling myself this isn’t about me, and i should just get over it. that being said, it’s easier said than done. i will spare you haha.

lauren is the last of my girl cousins to be married.....meaning everyone (including my sister) is married EXCEPT me. i should get on that ‘ring by spring’ at spu, eh?? i’m sure my mother is groaning right now! all in due time. i love love love weddings. but i’m sure you knew that already. i’ll always remember my cousin lindsey at our other cousin’s weddings stuffing a ton of tissues in her purse, saying, “i’m crying because i’m happy, not because i’m sad!” and at the time i didn’t understand her....but now i totally see where she’s coming from. weddings are so see two people so in love and commit their lives to each other is makes me speechless (and maybe a little teary-eyed....)

plus i love dressing up, cake, and dancing. it’s my idea of a perfect day. i have no idea what to expect at the reception --- i don’t think it will be quite like the Birky side with crazy dancing (jerry’s robot, anyone??) but i’m sure it will be fun nonetheless!! and we all know if there’s a michael jackson song, i can’t stay sitting.

hahaha that reminds me of prom.....”thriller” came on and about 90% of the dancefloor exits because they couldn’t get their freak on or whatever. i come running from the punchbowl or wherever i was, yelling “YEAHHHH!!!!” with my poor date and best friend (i’m sure grudgingly) following behind. i start breaking out all the thriller moves (in my 4-inch heels, nonetheless) with the select few still on the floor....while everyone else is looking at me like i have 3 heads. hahaha. all i have to say is WHATEVER, at least i had fun!!! good times.

here is the point of my blog post where i comment on the terrible fashions at the police at your service. unfortunately, i was so tired that i didn’t really have much of a chance to scope the scene except for the awful dad-jeans and that hideous bill cosby-esque sweater....stay tuned for my flight back on tuesday.

wow. that was a lot of writing. and not very organized, i apologize.

have a wonderful day :)


  1. Post on how the wedding is! Did you take your camera? Tell them and mom hi! p.s. I am laughing at the picture of your hotel situation. yikes!

  2. oh i so will! i did and mom will put her mamarazzi skills to use...
    hahaha oh man i'm glad someone can find humor in this is something else for sure!!
