Saturday, November 20, 2010

day 17.

Day 17 — Someone from your childhood

where to begin.....the person outside of my family that i have the most memories of is probably my friend, megan cozad. we met in preschool when we were 3, and although never went to the same school again, saw each other almost weekly until i moved when i was 13. she was my first best friend, and we did everything together. her parents have been divorced since i've known her but they lived in the same city (5 minutes away from each other) so many of my memories are from both of their houses. whatever we did together, from playing mall madness, trouble, sorry, stratego, and super smash bros on her stepbrother's nintendo 64, climbing trees, walking to roth's or circle K, spending all of our money on groovy girls, going on pogo-sticks, making up dance routines, watching bring it on (which was scandalous for two 11 year olds), going on AIM, trying to shut up her furby, sneaking into her stepsister's room, playing with her dogs, we always had fun. granted, we did have a lot of arguments and both had issues sharing, we got over it because our friendship meant more than that.
after i moved, we didn't keep in touch as much as either of us would've liked, due to some personal issues and the pit that is high school. here and there we'll send each other a text - and facebook is always there to find out everything else :)
i'm so glad we still are in contact and are not strangers.
as far as i know, currently she is studying to be a dental hygienist. i'm so happy for her and i wish her all the best! she deserves it.

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