Tuesday, September 18, 2012

[bits and pieces].

i don't have the time to dedicate to writing a good, meaty blog post. much like last time, i'm gonna give you random shots of information. so deal with it.
kind of reminds me of kevin from the office.... 

(ps...i've also been on youtube for the last 2 hours and now my brain is mush)

-had a bump removed from the back of my skull. an initial check-out, an ultrasound, an hour-long procedure, and a few stitches later.....it turned out to be an overgrowth of nerve tissue. but no worries...it was completely benign. still hurts though.
-got a tdap (pertussis vaccination?) shot today. always fun.
-i've watched the season premiere of SNL (with seth macfarlane) twice already. if you haven't watched it, i highly suggest it!
-my sister's efforts at match-making are working out a little too well...
-i leave for london in 8 DAYS. holy cow. how is that possible?!
-today, i tried to open a car that wasn't mine. i luckily figured it out before it looked like i was trying break in. yikes.
-went to charlevoix (lake michigan) with my mom, two aunts, uncle, & cousin. such a nice, relaxing end to the summer! 
-it's 82 degrees and it's september 18th. the leaves are turning and fall starts in a few days.....but am i complaining? nope.
-my dreams have been off the charts lately. it's almost every night....and they all seem so real. the good news: my friends DIDN'T die; i'm NOT going to forget my passport; and i'm definitely NOT preggo. ok....maybe those were nightmares.....
-i am LOVING this song from train right now:
it's so darn catchy, and if that weren't enough....the HOFF is in it. GENIUS.
-while we're on the youtube track, this is the best way to spend 7 seconds:
-and lastly....on SNL, they parodied that "gangnam style" video on youtube (which i had never seen....until a few hours ago.) it's probably the most ridiculous video you'll ever see, but it's 100% necessary. 215 million views.....come on.
-still trying to eek out as much time as possible w/my nieces.

if that wasn't enough random information/word vomit thrown at you, here's some visual help.
 lake michigan! ahh....white sand....clear water.....paradise.
 my aunt & uncle's new wrap-around porch!
 aunt lindsey, me, aunt alison, my cousin lauren
 & another!
harper can't get enough of chocolate milk! 
blazers and bows....trying a new look.

oh & post script....in my last post, i guessed that my mother didn't even touch a bowling ball at that party. i was wrong.

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