Wednesday, January 4, 2012

new quarter, new start.

today was the first day of the rest of my life!.....well, not really. but it was the first day of winter quarter. in the new year. so it's basically the same thing, right? 

for not being in school for nearly a month, today wasn't as bad as i was anticipating. this morning, i had macroeconomics at 11am and ucor [the west and the world] at 1:30pm. i was planning on waking up around 9, going to the bookstore and getting coffee. instead, i woke up at 10. somehow, i was able to do both of those and still get to class on time. my macroeconomics class is in the exact same classroom as my ucor 1000 i took last winter quarter. i had a bit of deja vu. the professor, dr. mason, seems pretty engaging which clearly is in my favor, as macroeconomics can be slightly.....well....dull. although we're supposed to meet M,W, & F, we only meet together as a class on mondays and fridays. on wednesdays, we're supposed to get together with our group of three to blog about whatever the subject is that week. one person writes it, the other two comment on it. so that shouldn't be totally foreign to me ;)

-i have a few friends taking this class with me
-it's a totally new subject and its too early for me to hate it (SCIENCE and math)
-at least half (if not more) of the class are boys. a rare feat for spu.
-quiz on the syllabus on the first day
-fear of uncharted territory for me

next; ucor. i have this class with one of my best good friends, bekah, who also happens to be my SMC. (refer to previous posts for a face). i am going to be completely honest, this class is going to be boring. it's about history, which i've never liked in the past. the professor is in his mid 60s (he told us he was born in ' do the math) and is a very soft spoken gentleman. that being said, i am going to try to have an open mind and try to soak up as much as i can in the short amount of time possible.

-i know someone in this class
-i will definitely come out knowing more than i did when i came in
-it is history.
-there are a ton of essays and quizzes (tests=bad=fail.)

other than going to class, i went to safeway to pick up a few necessary items (i.e. a toothbrush...), finished unpacking, had a floor meeting,  hiked over to safety and security to get my card reactivated in order to get into my hall, fought the masses at the bookstore,
      rearranged some pictures.....

bought this cute holiday mug on sale at starbucks.....

despite the POURING rain, today was pretty good. it's been so wonderful to get reacquainted with my friends and to start having a schedule. it's going to be a difficult quarter - no doubt about that. but as always, i'm going to take it one day at a time. and rely on God to carry me through the rest :)


  1. i'm surprised you remembered that! i just moved it to my wall by my i could see yo beautiful face first thing in the morning :)
